What is the Great Shiga Ichi?

”Great Shiga Ichi” is a self-challenge event in which participants fully traverse the Shiga Round Trail encircling Shiga Prefecture, home to Lake Biwa. Also known as “Shiga Ichi”, this trail stretches 438 km with a total elevation gain of 28,300 m, ranking among Japan’s longest trails. More than 90% of the route consists of mountain paths or dirt forest roads. Though its elevations typically stay around 1,000 m—relatively low compared to major alpine regions—some segments are unclear or unmaintained, requiring solid route-finding skills and a certain level of hiking experience. Another key attraction is the abundance of historical sites, including ancient highways and old castle ruins. These features allow you to enjoy both magnificent scenery and traces of Japan’s heritage and local lifestyles.

Compared to “Great Northern Japanese Alps”, the lower elevations of Great Shiga Ichi reduce the barriers to entry, making it more accessible for those with less mountain experience. However, since there are no mountain huts like those found in the Northern Alps, participants must plan and supply their own food and gear—an excellent opportunity to develop essential mountain-travel skills. You might aim for the fastest possible finish time, or simply take your time exploring Shiga’s mountains and culture at a leisurely pace; the style is entirely up to you.

Sections with few travelers, extensive distances, and limited resupply options can feel daunting when attempted alone, but the support and camaraderie of fellow participants and supporters can be a tremendous source of encouragement. Experience the achievement and joy of circling Japan’s largest lake on your own two feet—join Great Shiga Ichi and discover the grandeur of Shiga’s epic trail.

GREAT SHIGA ICHI 2025 Entry List

Upcoming Challenges

Photo Name Category Planned Start
Support & Pacer 2025-04-26 10:00

Course: スタート4/26(土)~5/4(日)、192時間以内。 ・滋賀一周ラウンドトレイル2022に準じて、滋賀県大津市大津港から反時計回りでコースをたどる予定です。 ・詳細な調査検討をこれから行うため、今後変更する場合があるかもしれませんが、その際はご容赦ください。

Intro: 2019年以来、しばらく国内のウルトラトレイルレースに出場していませんでした。 2025年は国内外で走り回るつもりで、その第一弾が「シガイチ」です! 時間がかかってもマイペースで滋賀県とびわ湖の周りを走り切りたいと思っています♪
宮田 隆志
Support & Pacer 2025-04-05 09:00

Course: 計画中 40~65kmぐらいで 8~10分割予定 家族の様子を伺いなら行ける時に行きますw 6月にTAMBA100の運営とKagaSpa参加の為 時間が作れるか?が1番の悩み

Intro: 2022年のシガイチのお手伝いをしていて、多くの選手を間近でみて勇気と感動をもらいました。 各選手のゴールシーンで何回泣かされたかw 今でも覚えています。 皆さんが歩んだ道を自分の足でも歩みたいなと。 走力も体力もない自分ですが、やりきった後に自分の中で何かを見つければと思ってます。
tainaka yoji
Support & Pacer 2025-04-02 07:00

Course: 毎回、20キロから30キロを18分割くらいにして回りたいと思います!

Intro: 目指すはエントリー者中最長活動時間! 一番早くスタートして最終ゴール! 琵琶湖一周ウォーク、本州横断ウォークに続く自身第3弾の大冒険!そして地元の滋賀を思い切り堪能します!
笹岡 誠
No Support 2025-05-01 12:01

Course: 調整中です。 調整次第アップします。

Intro: まだ要項の読込みも、休暇の調整もできていませんが、思い立つ日が‥でエントリーのみ済ませました。 22年大会は、おっきん(320km)でタイムオーバーとなってしまいましたのでリベンジしたいと思います。 第0関門の「食料と水分の補給計画」さえ立てられればあとは何とかなるかなと‥ 大〇〇シリーズは全戦参加できたらなぁと思っています。よろしくお願いいたします。
Support & Pacer 2025-04-17 08:00

Course: 4/178:00に大津港スタートし反時計回りに進みます。

Intro: いつも誰かに頼るクセがあるので自分で計画して成し遂げたいと思います。
佐伯 悟
Saiki Satoru
Support & Pacer 2025-04-05 08:00

Course: 4/5日に一旦は時計回りでスタートかな。その後は週末を利用して適当に気ままな旅をしようと思ってます。

Intro: 比叡山ITRやフェアリートレイルの運営に関わったりしてるけど、まあ普通のランナーです。今年はフェアリートレイルの開催がないので4月以降フリーだから何かロングなレースに出たいなって考えてたらこの企画。シガイチなんてしんどすぎるわ!!って思ってたけど分割なら僕でもなんとかなるかな?って感じでエントリー。しかし約440キロ。1日40キロ走っても11日もかかんのかー。まあ3カ月あれば何とかなるかな。頑張らずに頑張ります。

Event Period

April 1, 2025 (Tue)
〜 June 30, 2025 (Mon)
You can take on the challenge at any time during the period.


  • Those who have the skills and physical strength to safely complete the course of this event.
  • Those who have mountain insurance (including coverage for search and rescue costs).

Participation Fee

  • For participants who already have an IBUKI device: 10,000 yen (tax included)
  • For those without an IBUKI device: 15,000 yen (tax included)

Participation Application

You can register even during the event.


  • In this event, participants must traverse the designated mountain sections on foot as set by the organizer, while city (paved) sections may be chosen freely at the participant’s discretion. Please be sure to visit the monument at Otsu Port.
  • Participants are free to decide their start time within the event period, but must finish within the event period.
  • The start and end points, as well as the direction and route (including city areas), are at the participants’ discretion, as long as they satisfy the above condition. Any route changes in the city areas are permitted, provided that the entire journey remains continuous on foot.
  • They must carry an IBUKI GPS device and share their log on the official event page.
  • The submitted logs will be used to confirm passage along the course. The completion time will be recognized and published on the official website along with the participant’s ranking.
  • Participants must choose one of the following styles and declare their category. The category may change during the event if necessary (e.g., receiving support along the way):
    • Support & Pacer Allowed: Participants may receive support or utilize pacers, relying on assistance from others.
    • No Support or Pacer: Participants do not rely on any external support or pacers.
  • In all categories, participants may use vending machines or shops for resupply. Water replenishment is allowed anywhere.
  • Participants must carry all equipment themselves, excluding food and drinks resupplied during the journey. However, they may exchange gear at shops or any location they choose.
  • Participants may leave the course at any point and resume their challenge from any location later. In other words, as long as the entire course is traversed on foot during the event period, the order or direction of progress does not matter, and the challenge can be split into multiple segments—even returning home in between. They may use vehicles outside the official course, but must cover the designated route entirely on foot. If the challenge is conducted over multiple segments, the completion time is the elapsed time from the initial start to the final finish.
  • Participants must recognize that the event area includes many sections with unclear paths, requiring solid route-finding skills. Safety should be the top priority, and they should always act with ample reserve.
  • Participants are responsible for their own preparations and necessary measures for a multi-day trek, including selecting equipment, planning routes, arranging food supplies, submitting a climbing plan, and obtaining mountain insurance.
  • This event is an individual challenge; while the organizer will monitor participants and respond in emergencies, there is no compensation for accidents. Participants must join with this understanding.


This is the official course for Dai Shiga Ichi. Participants are required to follow the entire route on foot.

Note that in the Okubuki area and the Yogo area, many sections are rarely traveled and the route can be unclear. Use a GPS-enabled map app or similar tool, and exercise utmost caution in route-finding.

Distance: about 450km

Total Elevation Gain: about 28,500mD+

Click here for the course map and GPX file.

We have also prepared a map that includes water sources, toilets, and baths. You can access it here:
Water/Toilet/Bath Map

If you are participating with MYIBUKI, please visit this event page and press the "Participate" button:
MYIBUKI Event Page

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Contact: info@great-trails.jp